Thursday, April 11, 2013

Baked Eggs in Spicy Tomato Sauce

Baked Eggs in Spicy Tomato Sauce


2 TBSP olive oil
3 garlic cloves, minced or grated
1 small shallot, diced (can substitute with onion)
1cup Busha Browne's Spicy Tomato Love Apple Sauce
2 tomatoes (diced)
1 tsp sugar (optional, depending on how acidic your tomatoes are)
1/4 tsp dried oregano
2 generous TBSP goat cheese (or your favourite cheese)
salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
4 large eggs

  1. Preheat oven to 350° F and set two 12-ounce ovenproof bowls or ramekins on a large rimmed baking sheet lined with foil. Set aside.
  2. In a medium sized saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. 
  3. Add the shallot/onion and cook until translucent, about 5 minutes.  
  4. Add the garlic to the pan and cook for an additional minute or two.
  5. Add the diced tomatoes and herbs to the saucepan and stir well to combine.
  6. Bring the mixture to a gentle boil, season with Salt and Pepper and allow mixture to cook over medium-low heat for 10-15 minutes; using the back of a spoon to break apart the tomatoes. Add Busha Browne's Spicy Tomato Love Apple Sauce. Cook for 3-5 minutes. Taste the sauce and adjust seasoning (add in sugar to balance, splash of hot sauce if you like spicy, Salt and Pepper).
  7. When the sauce is ready, place 1 TBSP of goat cheese in each ramekin. 
  8. Divide the sauce evenly between both ramekins, reserving ½ cup of the sauce.
  9. Crack 2 eggs into each ramekin.  Cover the whites/outside of the eggs, leaving the yolk exposed, with the reserved sauce.
  10. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake until egg whites are set and yolks are cooked to desired doneness, 15-20 minutes.
  11. Serve with toast, English muffins or garlic bread. Enjoy!

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